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投稿时间:2018-04-11  修订日期:2018-11-12  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1042
全文下载次数: 260
佘运友 湖北交通职业技术学院交通信息学院
王晓林 武汉海事职业学院航海系
陈春晖 武汉海事职业学院航海系
袁梦霞 湖北交通职业技术学院交通信息学院
中文关键词:单点浮筒  系泊防台  地面式浮筒系泊  沉块质量
Sinker mass of ground single point buoy mooring against typhoon
Abstract:In order to study the sinker mass of the ground single point buoy mooring against typhoon, the mode of the ground single point buoy mooring against typhoon is introduced, and three models of ships under wind, wave and current are selected. Three marine patrol boats in Yangpu Port of Hainan province are taken as examples. By comparing the calculation results of three models with the actual situation, the model that matches the actual situation best is selected, and the wave load in the model is optimized. An optimization model of the ground single point buoy mooring against typhoon is proposed. According to the optimization model, sinker mass needed by the 3 marine patrol boats in Yangpu Port using the ground single point buoy mooring against typhoon is studied by MATLAB. It provides the basis for the practical operation of the ground single point buoy mooring against typhoon.
keywords:single point buoy  mooring against typhoon  ground buoy mooring  sinker mass
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