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投稿时间:2017-10-20  修订日期:2018-01-24  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1144
全文下载次数: 286
梅斌 a. 航海学院; b. 辽宁省航海安全保障重点实验室
孙立成 中国船级社
史国友 大连海事大学 a. 航海学院; b. 辽宁省航海安全保障重点实验室
马麟 大连海事大学 a. 航海学院; b. 辽宁省航海安全保障重点实验室
李伟峰 大连海事大学 a. 航海学院; b. 辽宁省航海安全保障重点实验室
中文关键词:偏航距离  大地线  下山单纯形法  正轴等距方位投影
A high accuracy algorithm for cross track distance of ships at high latitudes
Abstract:In order to improve the solution accuracy of the cross track distance of ships, an iterative method is designed and compared with the Euclidean distance algorithm based on Mercator projection (algorithm 1) and the non iterative solution algorithm based on Mercator projection (algorithm 2). It is found that there are errors in both algorithms. Therefore, a non iterative algorithm based on the azimuthal polar equidistant projection (algorithm 3) is proposed. Results shows that when ships are sailing at high latitudes, the cross track distance solution accuracy of algorithm 3 is higher and the solving speed of algorithm 3 is faster than those of algorithms 1 and 2. Algorithm 3 can be applied to ship motion control, ship entering and leaving port maneuvering, waterway planning and route design.
keywords:cross track distance  geodesic  Nelder Mead simplex algorithm  azimuthal polar equidistant projection
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