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投稿时间:2017-03-28  修订日期:2017-11-07  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1510
全文下载次数: 385
董贵颖 上海海事大学物流科学与工程研究院
胡坚堃 上海海事大学物流科学与工程研究院
黄有方 上海海事大学物流科学与工程研究院
中文关键词:再制造物流  逆向物流  网络设计  设施能力  市场需求  离散粒子群优化(DPSO)算法
Model optimization of end-of-life automobile remanufacturing reverse logistics network
Abstract:In view of the uncertain market demand of automobile remanufactured products and the high cost of remanufacturing facilities, introducing the multi grade facilities, the market demand rate and the recovery rate, considering each cost and revenue in the reverse logistics network of end of life automobile remanufacturing, a mixed integer programming model with the objective of maximizing profit is constructed. The discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO) algorithm is used to solve the model. The number, location and grade of the facilities in the remanufacturing reverse logistics network and the flow distribution among the facilities are determined. The sensitivity analysis on the market demand rate, the recovery rate and the facility capacity is given, and their influence on the network model is studied. Through simulating an instance, the validity of the model and the algorithm is verified.
keywords:remanufacturing logistics  reverse logistics  network design  facility capacity  market demand  discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO) algorithm
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