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投稿时间:2015-07-14  修订日期:2015-11-16  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1446
全文下载次数: 876
董良才 上海海事大学 物流工程学院
孙思韵 上海海事大学 物流工程学院
中文关键词:岸桥调度  萤火虫算法  遗传算法  模拟退火算法  岸桥干扰
Solving quay crane scheduling model with improved firefly algorithms
Abstract:Aiming at the quay crane scheduling problem in container terminals, the container group is taken into main consideration, and the quay crane interference constraint and the handling sequence constraint for individual tasks are taken into account. In order to minimize the operation time of ships and quay cranes, a mixed integer programming model is presented. Several algorithms are used to solve the model, their comparison is carried out, and a new firefly algorithm is researched. Due to the fact that the computational time of the firefly algorithm is relatively long and it is prone to local optimum, two improved firefly algorithms are put forward. The case study shows that the two proposed algorithms can solve the quay crane scheduling problem effectively. The related theory has certain reference for improving the operational efficiency of quay cranes and the service level of container terminals.
keywords:quay crane scheduling  firefly algorithm  genetic algorithm  simulated annealing algorithm  quay crane interference
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