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投稿时间:2015-06-01  修订日期:2015-11-03  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1993
全文下载次数: 618
向哲 上海海事大学 商船学院
施朝健 上海海事大学 商船学院
胡勤友 上海海事大学 商船学院
杨春 上海海事大学 商船学院
中文摘要:为能更有效地提供有价值的航运情报, 借鉴网络分析法相关原理,挖掘船舶AIS数据,获取港口之间的竞争度.该法通过船舶数据模型、港口数据模型、船舶抵达港口事件模型、船舶挂靠港记录、港口之间运力、港口网络等建立港口间竞争度模型. 选取2014年4—8月中国沿海船舶AIS数据和17个主要港口数据,利用模型计算出对上海港竞争度排名前三的港口依次是宁波港、张家港港和南通港.
中文关键词:航海技术  数据挖掘  AIS数据分析  网络分析法  挂靠港序列  港口网络
An approach for calculating competitive degree among ports using AIS data
Abstract:In order to provide valuable shipping information service effectively, the related theory of the analytic network process is adopted to mine AIS data and obtain competitive degree among ports. This method establishes a competitive degree model among ports using the ship data model, the port data model, the ship arrival event model, ports of call records of ships, transport capacity between ports, and port network. AIS data and 17 main ports’ data from April to August in 2014 along Chinese coastal waters are selected to calculate competitive degree using the model. The result shows that the top 3 ports of competitive degree against Shanghai Port are Ningbo Port, Zhangjiagang Port and Nantong Port.
keywords:navigation technology  data mining  AIS data analysis  analytic network process  ports of call sequence  port network
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