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投稿时间:2015-04-14  修订日期:2015-06-06  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1663
全文下载次数: 701
宓为建 上海海事大学 物流工程学院
王郡娴 上海海事大学 物流工程学院
张晓华 上海海事大学 物流工程学院
梁枭 上海海事大学 物流工程学院
夏孟珏 上海海事大学 物流工程学院
中文关键词:煤码头  泊位分配  机械调度  多目标遗传算法
Berth and machine joint scheduling of coal terminals based on multi-objective genetic algorithm
Abstract:Aiming at berth allocation in coal terminals, the joint scheduling of berth and machine is considered. The influence of coal type on ship berth, the channel open time and the permission of special principles such as both way operation of machines are taken into account. The objects are to maximize the utilization rate of coastline and machine and to minimize the time of ships in ports. A model of berth and machine joint scheduling is proposed. A multi objective genetic algorithm is designed to solve this model. A case in a coal terminal of Tianjin Port is used to verify the feasibility of the proposed model and the efficiency of the designed algorithm. The proposed method can provide reference for operation management of almost all cargo terminals.
keywords:coal terminal  berth allocation  machine scheduling  multi objective genetic algorithm
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