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投稿时间:2014-03-10  修订日期:2014-03-28  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1844
全文下载次数: 1258
楼海军 上海海事大学 商船学院
阚安康 上海海事大学 商船学院
基金项目: 上海市教育委员会科研项目(14YZ116);上海海事大学校基金(20120091)
中文摘要:为提高海上冷藏集装箱的运输品质, 采用CFD软件对20英尺冷藏集装箱进行建模和数值分析.通过改变冷藏集装箱内货物的堆码方式,对箱内温度场分布进行仿真.结果表明:随着堆码高度的增加,箱内温度场分布不均匀度增大;随着堆码长度的增加,箱内温差变大,温度场不均匀度增大;随着堆码间隙及堆码与箱壁距离的增大,箱内温度场分布显著改善.对20英尺实体冷藏集装箱选择不同的堆码方式进行实验,结果与仿真具有较好的一致性.该结果对冷藏集装箱内货物堆码方式的选择具有指导和借鉴意义.
中文关键词:海运冷藏集装箱  冷藏货物  堆码方式  温度场分布
Effect of cargo stack mode on temperature distribution in marine refrigerated containers
Abstract:To improve the transportation quality of marine refrigerated containers, the CFD software is taken to model and numerically analyze a 20 feet refrigerated container. The cargo stack mode is changed to simulate the temperature distribution in the container. The results show that the degree of non uniformity of the temperature distribution in the container increases with the increase of the stack height or length, and the temperature difference increases with the increase of the stack length. The increase of the stacks’ gap and the distance between the stacks and walls can improve obviously the uniformity of temperature distribution. The experiment is made on a real 20 feet refrigerated container with various cargo stack modes, and the results of the experiment are well agreeable with that of the simulation. Therefore, it provides guide and reference for the selection of cargo stack modes in refrigerated containers.
keywords:marine refrigerated container  chilling cargo  stack mode  temperature distribution
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