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投稿时间:2014-01-03  修订日期:2014-03-17  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1684
全文下载次数: 706
王晓琳 上海海事大学海洋科学与工程学院
刘文白 上海海事大学 海洋科学与工程学院
吴丽颖 上海海事大学 海洋科学与工程学院
高开仙 上海海事大学 海洋科学与工程学院
黄晓健 上海港湾工程质量检测有限公司
中文摘要:为研究固化技术在软土地基处理中的应用, 用颗粒流程序PFC2D对固化疏浚泥双层地基承载性室内试验进行数值模拟.通过分析各种载荷下地基土体的颗粒分布、速度、位移及接触力,确定固化疏浚泥双层地基的破坏形式为整体剪切破坏.在固化剂配合比为4%,上部固化层厚度从30 mm增加到45 mm时,固化疏浚泥双层地基极限承载力增加23%;在固化剂配合比从4%增加到5%,上部固化层厚度为30 mm时,固化疏浚泥双层地基极限承载力增加51%;在固化层厚度与基础宽度的比值(简称厚宽比)相同时,地基承载力近似;在宽厚比从1.0增加到2.0,固化剂配合比为4%时,地基极限承载力增加72%.研究表明,固化疏浚泥双层地基承载力随上部固化层厚度和固化剂配合比的增加而增加;增加固化疏浚泥双层地基的厚宽比可以提高地基承载力.
中文关键词:固化技术  疏浚泥  双层地基  PFC2D  承载力
Particle flow numerical simulation on bearing capacity of double layer foundation of solidified dredged soil
Abstract:In order to study the application of solidification technology in soft foundation treatment, Particle Flow Code PFC2D is used to make a numerical simulation on the laboratory experiment of the bearing capacity of double layer foundation of solidified dredged soil. Through the analysis on the distribution of particles, velocity, displacement and contact force of foundation soil under various loads, the failure mode of double layer foundation of solidified dredged soil is confirmed to be the general shear failure. When the solidifying agent mixture ratio is 4% and the upper solidified layer thickness increases from 30 mm to 45 mm, the ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation increases 23%; when the solidifying agent mixture ratio increases from 4% to 5% and the upper solidified layer thickness is 30 mm, the ultimate bearing capacity of the foundation increases 51%; when the ratios of the solidified layer thickness to the base width (the ratio of thickness to width, for short) are same, their bearing capacity is similar; when the ratio of thickness to width increases from 1.0 to 2.0 and the solidifying agent mixture ratio is 4%, the ultimate bearing capacity increases 72%. It shows that, with the increase of the solidified layer thickness and the solidifying agent mixture ratio, the bearing capacity of the foundation increases; increasing the ratio of thickness to width of the foundation can improve its bearing capacity.
keywords:solidification technology  dredged soil  double layer foundation  PFC2D  bearing capacity
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