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投稿时间:2010-12-23  修订日期:2011-04-26  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1721
全文下载次数: 822
施虹 上海海事大学 海洋环境与工程学院
陈敏 1
中文关键词:吸附  重金属  Cd2+  盐渍土壤
Adsorption behavior of coastal saline soil to Cd2+
Abstract:To evaluate the effect of Cd2+ on coastal saline soil in Shanghai Lingang New City, adsorption behavior of the soil to Cd2+ is studied, and the adsorption mechanism is explored. The results show that the adsorption behavior of Cd2+ on coastal saline soil in Shanghai Lingang New City conforms to Langmuir isotherm. The pH of the saline soil influences the adsorption amount of Cd2+ significantly. The adsorption amount increases rapidly with the pH increasing from 4 to 9, and the adsorption amount decreases and then declines to a stable level when the pH continue to increase. Electrolyte NaCl can obviously inhibit the adsorption of Cd2+ on coastal saline soil, the adsorption amount firstly decreases sharply and then tends to be stable with the increase of NaCl concentration. Temperature is conducive to the adsorption of Cd2+ on coastal saline soil, which means that the buffering capacity of the soil in Shanghai Lingang New City and the mobility and activity of Cd2+ in this soil have seasonal difference.
keywords:adsorption  heavy metal  Cd2+  saline soil
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